Every brainstorm has a lifecycle. Anticipating the stages can help you transition and make the most out of every minute.

Awkward emoji

Stage One – The Awkward Start

It can take a few minutes to get a group of strangers to open up and share ideas. As such, a session host may begin with a quick icebreaker to give the brainstorm a jumpstart (link to icebreaker post). This can take some of the pressure off and help loosen up a group.


Excited emojiStage Two – The Rush

Once the first few ideas are shared, it often results in a rush of ideas as members gain sudden confidence. Now is the time when the ideas are most likely to flow. If you find yourself bursting with ideas, be sure to take notes so that none of them get lost in the shuffle.


Wacky emojiStage Three – The Plateau

As time ticks on, the ideas begin to come slower as people grasp for their next idea. Ideas may become cheesy or silly sounding. Don’t be afraid or too self-conscious to share. What might seem like a crazy or even stupid idea, could spark a brilliant one with further discussion and collaboration.


Contemplative emojiStage Four – The After Effect

You may find that your creative juices continue to flow well after a brainstorm. It’s okay to sit with ideas and keep ideas that weren’t presented in one brainstorm on hand for the next time a similar brainstorm occurs.